Yearly rhythms are significant and hold an important place in our families and homes, even though they are more rare. This Easter weekend, we are considering and reflecting on why yearly rhythms feel so special. Why are they so important? Rhythms that are daily, weekly, or monthly may seem more significant because their impact is…
Archives for March 2024
5 Myths about People Who Like Being Organized
There are a number of myths about people who like being organized. Let’s take a look at some of them! Myth #1: Organization is a personality trait, not something that can be learned You might think, ”People who are organized were born that way … they’ve been organizing things ever since they were kids!” Consider this:…
A Flexible Framework, Not a Rigid Routine, is the Best Kind of Life Rhythm
I’m doing just fine if they need me, I’ll be underneath the palm trees” Surfaces – Palm trees Life rhythms provide a flexible framework that help our families. Flexible … not rigid! Rhythms provide a framework for life. Our kids experience this as stability, which makes them feel more secure and more confident. But rhythms…
Effective Home Organization – 5 Helpful Principles
We are passionate about home organization! Also about creating life rhythms that serve our family! Our homes are meant to serve us, not the other way around, and organization helps that happen. You might be surprised to hear, then, that the task of “organizing” is not something that we do everyday, or even every week….